Dust & Fume Extraction
Effective dust extraction (dust control) reduces waste bringing more value to your business. This reduces lost working days due to dust-related issues, boosts production yields by recovering raw materials, and protects plant and machinery, preventing costly maintenance and downtime.
With ever increasing emphasis on environmental pollution, associated regulations and legislation means that effective dust extraction measures have become a vital consideration for the manufacturing industries.
Why is Dust and Fume Extraction important?
The purpose of health and safety legislation is to protect employee welfare in the workplace. This places responsibility on the employer to identify and ensure adequate protection against hazardous substances used or produced during the manufacturing process.
The COSHH Regulations 2002 state that employers whose processes result in dust and emissions which pose a threat to the health of their employees have complete responsibility for the control of those emissions.
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Extraction Systems are identified as being essential in helping to control airborne dust and fume particles. When properly designed, installed and maintained, a good LEV Extraction System will remove airborne contaminants at the point of origin and capture them in a specially designed replaceable filter mechanism.
Our fully qualified engineers will then install and commission the system with minimum disruption to your business operations, before providing your employees with instruction in the safe use of the system. We will also provide you with complete documentation, detailed drawings, system specification manuals and warranty information.
Our expertise in dust control enables us to provide our customers with a professional and effective service, plus our excellent supplier partnerships also ensure the best possible solution to any customer needs.

We have vast experience in the design, manufacture and installation of bespoke dust extraction solutions including:
Biomass Dust Extraction; Pharmaceutical dust Extraction; Chemical Powder Dust Extraction; Plastics and Polymers dust Extraction; Food Processing Dust Extraction; Foundry Dust Extraction, Wood Dust Extraction and Paper Dust Extraction.
We offer a comprehensive range of filter solutions: Reverse jet bag filters; Reverse jet cartridge filters; Silo vent filters; Auto shake clean filters; Manual shake clean filters; Floor mounted fansets; Oil mist collection; CVC Centralised vacuum cleaning plant; Cyclone Filter unit.

ATEX is the name commonly given to the procedure for controlling explosive atmospheres and the standards of equipment and systems used.
It is based on the following European Directive:
Directive 99/92/EC ‘ATEX Workplace Directive’ on minimum requirements for improving the health and safety protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres.
DSEAR stands for ‘Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002′.
Dangerous substances can put peoples’ safety at risk from fire and explosion. DSEAR puts duties on employers and the self-employed to protect people from risks to their safety from fires, explosions and similar events in the workplace, this includes members of the public who may be put at risk by work activity.
DSEAR became UK law on 1 July 2003 with a transitional period allowing existing facilities 3 years to comply. This period is now over which means all facilities must now comply.
Our fully trained engineers help and advise on new installations and upgrading existing plants to meet the new regulations.