How to ensure your facility is compliant with COSHH regulations

Adhering to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, 2002, is key to achieving a safe working environment. COSHH regulations are in place to protect employees from health risks associated with hazardous substances in the workplace.

8. Regular Review and Audit

Regularly review risk assessments and control measures to ensure they remain effective. Conduct internal and external audits to verify compliance with COSHH regulations.

9. Documentation and Record Keeping

Maintain written records of all risk assessments, control measures, and training sessions. Keep detailed logs of health surveillance and monitoring results.

10. Legal and Regulatory Updates

Stay informed about changes in COSHH regulations and seek advice from occupational health professionals or safety consultants when necessary.

A Special Focus on LEV Systems

Under Regulation 9 of the COSHH Regulations, it’s an employer’s legal duty to ensure that any Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) and extraction system is “maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order, in good repair, and a clean condition.”

If your facility uses an LEV system, it is crucial to not only install it, but also ensure its continuous proper functioning through regular testing and servicing. Over time, without appropriate LEV testing and servicing, systems can become less efficient, posing serious risks such as combustion in systems with dry dust build-up or circulation of airborne illnesses if scrubber filters are not properly maintained.

UK regulation (COSHH guidance HSG258 Section 10) also mandates that LEV systems undergo a thorough examination and tests at least once every 12-14 months, or in some cases more frequently dependent on dust/fume type. These tests must be conducted by a qualified and competent person.

Regular servicing is essential to keep LEV systems in good working order. This means not just scheduling a service before an annual test but maintaining a consistent schedule to identify and rectify issues before they become major problems. Documentation of recent tests should be meticulously maintained to ensure you’re always aware of when the next test is due.

By following these steps, you can ensure your facility remains compliant with COSHH regulations, thereby protecting the health and safety of your workers. Regular monitoring, training, and maintenance are key to a safe and compliant workplace. At APS, we are committed to helping you achieve and maintain these standards, ensuring a safer environment for everyone. Contact us today to see how we can help.

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